Seeing improvement little by little

Being a medical student, we were following up on a patient who had an undetermined primary tumor which had metastasized. Not knowing the origin of these, suspicions among the doctors were that it was most likely lung-related and hence not much more would be done but paliative treatment to 'ease' the end. It would not be the same and more would be done if it were a renal or suprarenal tumor.

I prayed that it were one of these and not pulmonary. Today I found out that indeed it is renal; hence with radical treatment the patient
has much better chances to get better and with more treatment and perseverance, maybe a much much better outcome than anyone had expected a few days ago.

Thank you God!

medical student

Dear medical student,

We rejoice with you and agree in prayer that it indeed will be a MUCH better outcome than anyone had expected. May all the glory be given to You Lord.

I also pray for you medical student for strength to pray for the many that will be brought across your path in your line of work.

May you be an encourager to those in need and a tool in the hand of the Lord to help them.

Fill this one with courage Lord and let them be a bright shining light for You in this world.

Angel Messenger

Blessings to you and

Praise God

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