
*Debt cancellation.

I was collecting unemployment, but my bills and needs were so much more than I was getting. So I went looking for a job and found one selling cars. I didn't know I had to build a customer base; so I was only bringing home less than two hundred dollars a week.

I was taken to court because I was behind in my rent and threaten to be put in the streets. I had six children and a wife. I was getting 405 a week on unemployment and less than 200 working.

I decided to collect the 405 and continue to work. I got caught two years later and was charged with unemployment fraud. I received a felony probation and restitution. I had to pay back 12,000. I didn't have the money to pay it back and if I didn't pay it back by the end of my probation I would have to go to jail. At the end of my probation I owed 11,000.

One Sunday morning I was praying and something felt different about my pray that day but I got up and entered my day. Two days later I went to get my unemployment they were taking a portion of my check to pay for my fraud. I received my full check, which scared me.

I went to the employment office to check on my balance the lady checked and told me my balance was 0. I yelled thank you Jesus.
My debt was forgiven.

The mercy of our God is much Greater than our sin. Praise God!
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Angel Messenger

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