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Bible verses will guide you into Gods will for your life.

Bright reflections

Bible verses reveal Gods will, nothing missing & nothing broken-total wholeness-wellness. Come to a greater understanding of the kingdom of God, so will you prosper in all things be in health.

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Depression from A Christian Perspective...


Depression, a Biblical example found with King David. Bible verses explain how to gain victory over it...

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Incredible Life Makeover

Vibrantly written and chock-full of nuggets of wisdom, Incredible Life Makeover helps you find your way out of a painful life situation. Julie's insightful

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Free Will

star burst sun

Free will and true heart felt promises broken over and over again. So “whas-up” when people don't seem to have their own will?

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Grateful Today

I wanted to thank God today and let Him know that I am grateful he answered my prayer for my son's housing. Thanks God I appreciate and so very much needed

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Happy's Healing Miracle

Who is Happy? Happy is literally God's gift to me. A beautiful American Staffordshire terrier that I adopted eight years ago from the animal shelter. It

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miracle financial blessing from GOD

Praise & Thanking Father GOD Almighty in Heaven for my financial Miracle .2nd My Honda Accord 2 door 4 cylinder will also perform like a new car. I'm

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abundance-and-prosperity principles produce predictable results.


The Bible teaches how to produce abundance-and-prosperity in your life. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. A more abundant life.

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*Debt cancellation. I was collecting unemployment, but my bills and needs were so much more than I was getting. So I went looking

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Crises Healing Scriptures, weapons in spiritual warfare.

Use powerful healing scriptures when you feel helpless. When the advanced medical field does all it can do, when doctors say they can't do any more. Believer, find the answers to things you can do

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God healed my neck

My journey started in May with an achy feeling in the back of my neck. The feeling would come and go, so I wrote it off as fatigue. As the weeks progressed

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Bible verses, Promises, or Bible Studies;


Inspirational Bible Verses. Follow Links to a collection of Scriptures on a variety of subjects and Bible studies.

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